Building Eureka Yurts and Cabins
CEB Cabin Infrastructure 90% Complete
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a prosperous and Happy New Year!
We have been hard at work during November and December getting all the dirt work and infrastructure complete for the new Compressed Earth Block (CEB) cabin. We’ve trenched and installed the electrical conduit, water line, and septic tank connections. Now we are waiting for our electric company to install the meter and hook up the service side. At that point, we will have all utilities available to the new CEB Cabin. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to install the conduit for the internet. So that is still on the to-do list.
Here are some pictures of the work we have been doing.

Testing Compressed Earth Block (CEB) Production
Compressed Earth Block Cabin Foundation is Complete
Groundbreaking for the Stabilized CEB Cabin
Cabin 3 Teaser
Thank You!
Springtime at Eureka Yurts
The Hot Tub is Calling You!

Our Pine View Yurt now has a private hot tub on the back deck to relax in. We chose the Dr. Wellness G-2 Tranquility Spa. It has 2 loungers with lots of jets for your back and legs. It is the perfect ending after a day of hiking, biking or just walking the hills in downtown Eureka Springs.