Planning is now in full swing for our next cabin. We have an agreement with an industry expert and author of Cordwood Construction: Best Practices, Richard Flatau, to host a building workshop at Eureka Yurts and Cabins here in Eureka Springs Arkansas. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn (hands-on) about Cordwood construction from one of the worlds foremost authority on the subject.
This workshop will be held on September 9th, 10th, and 11th. Here are the links to register:
This workshop will fill up fast. Don’t miss this OPPORTUNITY to be apart of Eureka Yurts and Cabins!
I have an agreement with a local family to clear 40 acres of cedar for use on the cabin. The Eastern Cedar I am desperately trying to make arrangements to kiln dry the wood in preparation for the workshop. The trees must be cut, DE-limbed, and skinned of all the bark in preparation for the drying process. No help will be refused!
For those who have not heard of Cordwood construction, we have some examples in our Possible Building Styles album at the top of our home page . Here are some places you can vacation now. Cordwood Vacations
Here are some examples of what we are going to do on a cabin scale.